Navigate to the new location you set earlier, and open the folder’s Properties window by right-clicking on it.Whenever you wish to switch back to the original saving settings, follow these steps: Restore Default Screenshot Capture Setting From now on, every screenshot you take by pressing Win + PrtScr will be saved to the new location. Now browse to the folder which you want to set as the new location for the screenshots, and click Select Folder button.Then, switch to Location tab in the Properties window, and click on the “Move…” button. Right-click on the Screenshots folder, and choose Properties.Open your Pictures folder by typing in %userprofile%\pictures into the Run dialog box and press Enter, or navigate to C:\Users\\Pictures\Screenshots in File Explorer.Change Default Screenshot Capture Location
Want to reset the screenshot counter? Follow this post.
If you don’t find this location useful then you can change the default saving location to another location, say your Dropbox folder, to better server your purpose. Windows 8 by default saves Win + PrtScr captured screenshots at C:\Users\\Pictures\Screenshots folder.