Files\Steam\steamapps\common\sonic generations, then rerun the config tool. help I'm getting a error saying the detected configuration does not match your. sonic Generations: The detected configuration does not match your current hardware. these steps, you will get an error 'The graphics configuration does not match your�. Sonic Generations only works in CrossOver 11 (or newer).
New: sonic Generations: The detected configuration does not match your current hardware. Whenever I am trying to launch the game then I am getting a pop up which says 'The detected configuration does not match your current�. Sonic generations configuration does not match, sonic generations the detected configuration does not match your current hardware, sonic generations detected configuration does not match hardware, sonic generations the current configuration does not match, sonic generations pc the detected configuration does not match, sonic generations the detected configuration does not match, sonic generations detected configuration does not match current hardware, sonic generations critical error configuration does not match, sonic generations detected configuration does not match your current hardware Sonic Generations Configuration Does Not Match