I think there should be away, it takes so much time to put it all together not to be able to move it. change installation locations for Visual Studio select an installation location for Visual Studio files move installation files to different drives use the D. Just as a pointer all the VSIX files should be stored in a VSIX folder that can be moved as well, to save developers time on rebuilding the whole download. If VS is really self healing, it should be able to rebuild itself, cognitive should be able to handle fixing a few dll's, it would be more cost effective, save energy etc. It would sure be nice sense VS now has a self healing mode if we could move VS and log in and not get the error message of, your license has expired, when it clearly has not. The system settings set to future and not compatibility. However, what if a SQL database is a production one or it is being constantly used by the specific application This means that when it comes to the point of a low disk space, there should be a way to move database files (MDF and LDF) to another drive (with sufficient disk space) while the actual database will still be hosted by the same SQL Server instance. Its brutal having to re-download every time the system crashes, I have had to reinstall every 2 months, I don't know whats happening in development with windows but do to the constant changes it seems that a lot of dll's are no longer compatible with having I tried the installing to another drive and yes the install eventually failed, I have tried other directories and they eventually failed as well. I agree Bob there should be a way to move any Visual Studio, I am sure it would save Microsoft bandwidth as well as us, it's a huge file and when you've been doing some work it gets bigger fast.