It’s a light elemental sword, making it easy for slaying demons.ĭominator greatsword can be found inside buildings just to the north of Alstor Slough in Duscae. The Dominator is quite impressive greatsword that can be nabbed in a couple of different ways in the post-game.
If you do not know where to find Ragnarok in FF then do not worry, you can find it in the FF15 Booster Pack+, which is given to Season Pass owners. Ragnarok is said to be one of Final Fantasy XV weapons that deal heavy damage with warp strike in exchange for a longer wind-up to the warp strike animation. After battling a floor of Tonberries, you will be able to get the sword. For that, you will have go through scores of floors that are filled with powerfull enemies. You would not be able to open that door until Final Fantasy chapter 15.
Notably, this is the second dungeon area that you will find behind the sealed door in the main dungeon. Notably, we are talking about the dungeon that you visit in chapter 7 with Aranea, but you’ll have to wait until Chapter 15 to actually get it. You can find The Balmung Final Fantasy weapon in the Steyliff Grove dungeon. It is an end game sword for FF15 that provides stunning attack stat, plus bonus damage for each hit based on how low your MP is. The Balmung is yet another impressive weapons that comes handy a lot in FF15.